首页 > 网络创业 > 网络项目 >普通人如何从互联网赚钱:先屏蔽无关信息和华而不实的术语



This video from the up主 offers a candid and somewhat critical view of entrepreneurship, emphasizing that ordinary people should focus on practical ways to make money rather than trying to start a formal business. The up主 argues that for most people, entrepreneurship is unrealistic and unattainable, and it’s more effective to think about low-cost, high-impact ways to generate income online. He stresses the idea of "搞钱" (making money) over "创业" (entrepreneurship), explaining that the latter is often associated with large-scale ventures like those of wealthy individuals, which is not feasible for the average person.

The up主 uses his own experience as an example, sharing how he started selling programming courses online in 2019. He didn't view it as "entrepreneurship" but simply as a way to earn money. Within a few months, his income increased to over 10,000 yuan per month, eventually growing to a point where he was making 1,000 to 2,000 yuan in daily profits from his various ventures, including e-commerce. He believes that focusing on small, incremental ways to earn money online is far more achievable than trying to "创业."

He also touches on the current employment landscape, noting how many people have lost jobs and face economic uncertainty, but he sees this as an ideal time for making money online. He suggests that instead of worrying about employment statistics or broader economic conditions, people should concentrate on building a personal brand (IP) on social media platforms by posting content, answering questions, and attracting potential customers to platforms like WeChat. He explains that the low costs of running an online business today—such as the minimal expenses for maintaining a company and using platforms like 小鹅通 (Xiaoe Tech)—make this the best time to focus on online ventures.

The up主 repeatedly emphasizes that the key to success is to "屏蔽" (block out) high-level, impractical terms like "entrepreneurship" and instead focus on practical, actionable steps that align with everyday life. His approach is grounded in realism, encouraging ordinary people to think in terms of generating fast, small-scale profits, rather than getting bogged down by the notion of starting a large business.
